April 21, 2006

Moto Schooling

For those who used to follow and comment about my exciting future on motorcycles, I will complete the class this weekend (finally) after an extended hiatus thanks to endless rain and spending time with people who I think may have been secretly, or unconsciously discouraging me from riding. It is finally sunny out these days… well except for today, and there are showers scheduled for tomorrow, which is not pleasing me… but… only chances of showers, not an endless deluge of rainy rain. The bummer is… I am in the 7am class. Dawn is not something I generally look forward to seeing. I prefer to sleep through it.

The most exciting thing about this is… I'll be getting a new drivers license with new photo… and though I forgot to wear make up or even brush my hair that day, it looks way more cute and hip than my old photo. Hooray.

Posted by allison at April 21, 2006 11:18 AM

good luck to you!

Posted by: Paul at April 23, 2006 01:41 PM
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